Athletic and Injury Care

  • Chiropractic is very commonly utilized not only as way to care for athletic injuries but also used to help top athletes get increased performance from their bodies.

    Performing a baseline functional analysis and looking for underlying issues can keep an athlete on the court or help them shorten the time for return to play.

  • Using a combination of mobility exercises, stability exercises, strength training, Chiropractic Adjustments, active and passive therapies to provide the best possible outcomes.

  • It all begins with identifying the injury and making the proper diagnosis. There are 3 phases to recovery including the acute, repair and remodeling phase. Each requires specific actions before the athlete can return to play without risk of re-injury.

    Certain injuries that are common in athletics can require alternative methods to shorten the healing phase such as Shockwave Therapy. Check out our alternative services page for more information.